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The Backlog is Done!

 And with my review of "Out of the Blue" the backlog is (almost) completely done! There is one more album that I've already listened to and written a rough draft review for, but I'll post that at a later date; I'll say when I post it and why. Aside from that though, I've gotten through the backlog (and also some more albums added in so that it wasn't just a flood of ELO and a couple other albums). And now that I have, posts might slow down a little, especially writing pieces. I'll still try to post often because I do want to listen to more music and write more stuff, but I do have a life with responsibilities, which means that I don't have all the time in the world, which will slow down posts, especially writing pieces as those take much longer than the reviews. 

    Here's an explanation to my rating system, since I have some slight worries that it may be a little confusing since it's not what people are used to. Also, I'll say "album" although I apply it to more than just albums, but am just using that as an example. 

6: A really great album, something special. It doesn't mean that it's perfect, but it is very good.

5: A pretty good album, something that you'd pay to listen to.

4: A mostly ok album, not overly good or bad. Something I'd still recommend.

3: Mostly ok, same as 4. Only difference is that I wouldn't recommend it.

2: A not good album. There's some good stuff here, but I won't be coming back any time soon. 

1: A straight up bad album. Little to no redeeming qualities, not worth visiting at all. 

    As a closing note, feel free to interact with my posts (both reviews and writings), telling me your opinion on the work or my writing; I'm always open to feedback and criticism, it's part of why this is a public blog. Also, I encourage you to recommend me albums/bands and writing prompts/topics, always looking for new material; you can comment on a post or on my twitter (link in the side bar). Thanks for reading, I hope to provide more stuff in the future!
