Just as the backlog was started with two ELO albums in a row, it'll end with it too. Out of the Blue is ELO's magnum opus, there most important work. I won't say that it's their best (mostly because there are a few of their other albums that I think are better) but it is definitely their most popular album. If someone asks you what ELO is, you show them this. I think that this is a good album to represent ELO as a band because it perfectly encapsulates what the band is, both in the sound and the themeing. The album is one of their longer ones, and thus has a lot more packed in; the third side even tells it's own compressed story in four songs creating "Concerto for a Rainy Day", which is absolutely brilliant. The sound and feel of the music is peak ELO, with the classic combination of rock and orchestral elements, and also nicely integrating some very well fitting pop-rock elements. This is also the album that has Mr. Blue Sky on it, their most popular song and is part of what helps it to be as well known as it is. Looking at the album from just a purely production oriented view, this is also one of the most well put together albums they've had so far, with the use of alteration in the vocals in key points and also with some of the instruments to create different moods based on what song you're looking at. This album is just great, and there is certainly a reason as to why it's ELO's most popular work.
Highlights: Turn to Stone, Sweet Talkin' Woman, Night in the City, Starlight, Believe Me Now, Standin' in the Rain, Big Wheels, Mr. Blue Sky, Sweet is the Night.
Rating: 6/6
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