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Ride the Lightning


    Next step in the metal line is Metallica's "Ride the Lightning". I went into this one pretty hesitantly, worrying that it may be another just ok album, especially with how the first track went. Before listening through these metal albums my impression of metal was pretty much "guitar that sounds like you're just playing the lowest note really fast and screaming", which is why the first track had me a little worried. Thankfully, the album as a whole turned out to be much better than it's introduction. The fast pacing works well for the music, I feel like it wouldn't have worked if it was any slower. The guitar was a little split for me; on one hand you have amazing solos with beautiful string work, and on the other is that sort of "playing low notes fast" thing, although that grew on me as the album progressed. One aspect that I have no doubts about liking, however, are the drums, which I thought stood out enough to be noticed and appreciated but not overbearing. The vocals were a little lackluster, though. That's not to say that they're bad, because they aren't by any means, it's just that they really don't shine when compared to Osbourne's and Dickinson's performances from the last two albums. Overall though, the thrash metal sound surprised me in how much I liked it, even in aspects that I thought I wouldn't have. 
    Highlights: Ride the Lightning, For Whom the Bell Tolls, Fade to Black, Trapped Under Ice, The Call of Ktulu
Rating: 5/6
