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On the Third Day


    As the title implies, it's the third album by ELO, and going chronologically it's the best one produced so far. Jeff Lynne has fully infused his style into the album, integrating classical elements with rock elements much more smoothly than in ELO2, with the two complimenting and working off of each other much better than before. Another effect of Lynne's more prominent influence over the music after Roy Wood's departure is how it goes beyond an orchestral twist, and strays into pop-rock for brief periods, making for an almost Queen-like sound that works greatly in the bands favor. This is where they start to really solidify themselves in their style (which will only be strengthened in the future). They also experiment with synthetic elements, such as synthesizers and moogs that contribute a feel to the songs that they haven't been able to achieve previously, and become a staple of their music from this point on. 
    Highlights: New World Rising/Ocean Breakup Reprise, Daybreaker, Ma-Ma-Ma Belle, Dreaming of 4000. 
Rating: 5/6
