Before I begin, can we just take a moment to reflect on the war on drugs and how awful it was? Like, D.A.R.E was such a bad program, that it was already getting cut out of public schools by the time that my school introduced my grade to it. That, and pretty much all of the government's efforts, were useless, and if anything, only had adverse effects, making things like recreational marijuana use rise in popularity among high school and college age students (to my knowledge, that may just be my idealistic child-view of the world and I just didn't know how popular it was before I found out it was even a thing). Now, the motivations behind it wasn't entirely bad, a lot of drugs are highly addictive and harmful in both the long and short term, some more than others. Because of this, and how poorly the government tried to deal with it, I have devised a plan to accomplish what they wanted to, but theoretically effectively. The method is simple: create a monopoly.
Before I outline the basic plan, I'll be giving a short history lesson. Flashback to the turn of the 20th century, late 1800's to early 1900's. The american industrial revolution has completed and reconstruction after the civil was has ended in failure. America had a rapidly growing economy with much less government regulation than we have today, which will be brought up later. To cut out a lot of economic talk, you should probably have a decent understanding of the free market, specifically in this time period. So, eventually monopolies were created in certain markets, where only one company was massively successful in profits due to their dominance over the market; a few key names are Rockefeller with oil and Carnegie with steel. They'd go into a new territory with a large sum of starting funds, which allowed them to sell their product for extremely low prices, often times not even making a profit. This made them the best place to go to buy their product, driving other companies in that area out of business due to not being able to compete. After they were the only viable option left for consumers, they raised their prices to exorbitant amounts so that they were making ludicrous profits, and the consumers couldn't buy somewhere else, because every other business had already closed. These robber barons continued until the early 20th century when Teddy Roosevelt began "trust-busting" and shutting down the monopolies, ending the practice (or at least diminishing it).
Now that that economic practice has been laid out, I propose that some put it into action with illegal drugs. I cannot do this myself, as I'm not a drug dealer, and have no intentions of ever dealing or doing drugs. Perhaps someone with the proper funds, supplies, and heart of gold could do it in my stead. Whoever would decide to take it upon themselves to enact the plan would follow these steps. Firstly, go into a local area that already has illegal drug use within it. Start selling drugs at a steep discount from what local drug dealers sell for, in the same vain as the robber barons. After you've driven out all competition, raise the prices so that no one can afford to buy your drugs. If anyone tries to enter the drug market, just threaten to lower prices again. Afterwards, set up a small operation to keep it running in that area, go to another area, rinse and repeat. Eventually, if all goes well, you should have a national corporation that has single handedly erased the sale of illegal drugs in America. This plan, if followed to the letter, is absolutely flawless. The only problems you may have to worry about is upkeeping your hold over the market, and dodging the government's regulations, since drugs and monopolies are both illegal, Other than that, there's no failing with this plan, all you need is the money and drugs to start.
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