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Black Sabbath


    A part of why I started this site, other than to have one place to put my opinions on the music I listen to, was to introduce myself to new music and expand my horizons. A main focus of this is metal, because a lot of my friends listen to metal and I've never really listened to any except what I've heard them occasionally play when I'm with them. So, I'm (probably) gonna be listening to a good amount of metal in the future to at least expose myself to it, starting here. This and the next few metal albums I review were recommended to me by one of my metal-loving friends, so blame him if this is a bad selection. Also, I found some discrepancies with this album online when preparing to listen to it (specifically between European and North American versions), so for the record, I'm listening to the North American version as it's listed on Spotify. Also, since I have quite literally 0 knowledge of the genre, I think a lot of what I say early on will probably just be my reactions instead of any deeper criticism. So, as for the album itself: hot damn, was I impressed. A lot of people say that this is the where heavy metal originated from, and it had a damn fine beginning. Every song on the album is an absolute banger, never a dull moment. The guitar work by Tony Iommi is so amazing, that when I heard the outro riff of the song "Black Sabbath" I messaged my aforementioned friend saying it was, and I quote: "gourmet shit". Both the heavier and more up-tempo stuff is great, especially combined with the vocals by Ozzy Osbourne, which manage to be both haunting and alluring in the best ways possible. I'm generally not a fan of satanic/occult symbols and themes in media that much, but I feel like it really works well here. As an initial introduction to metal, this was exquisite, and I'm genuinely excited for more. 

    Highlights: Black Sabbath, The Wizard, Wicked World

   Rating: 6/6
