Soulside Eclipse I, the artist's second album, is a departure from their first album, Forgotten Conquest. Where that one focused on ambient droning synths, Soulside Eclipse I takes on a more complex composition, now being a self described symphonic black metal work. And while this album retains the same proficiency at creating tone and atmosphere, I was left wanting a little more. The melodies and loops are still good but I feel like they lose a little bit of the charm that it had when it was purely a synth-focused effort; the more complex tracks make me wish it had a little more to offer. That being said, what it does offer is still good and an enjoyable listen, if a tad unengaging (I found myself getting distracted a few times while listening, but that may just as well be a fault of mine rather than of the album). The pacing and structure of the album are good, gradually getting darker and more dramatic the deeper in you get, and it has a nice feel listening through it. This album is a good follow-up to and evolution from Forgotten Conquest, and it sits very high in its number ranking, and I hope that the next showing from Soulside Eclipse is even better.
Highlights: The Curse Of The Eclipse, Anxious Obscurity, Emporic Rain, Arcane Pandemonium.
Rating: 4/6
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