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Days of Future Passed


    Days of Future Passed is incredible. This concept album cataloguing the course of a day with each song representing a different section of a day, each with their own moods and meanings, is fantastic. The big thing with this album that makes me like it so much is its composition (I feel like I've been saying that a lot recently). Much of the album is purely orchestral and is really just a legitimate classical work for a considerable portion of the runtime. There are, of course, times when it takes on a rock sound that you would expect from a 60's English rock band, and it does indeed occasionally get moody as the band's name would have you believe, but for the most part it's just a very good work of classical music, with the theming of the album being centered around a day reminiscent of some other pre-existing classical pieces like The Four Seasons by Vivaldi. I would recommend this album in the same way that I would recommend actual classical pieces in the sense that, yeah of course its gonna be good because of how pervasive it is even in modern times, but as with older classical music I believe that the quality still holds up even among the landscape of modern music and is very much still worth visiting. Or maybe I'm just a sucker for orchestral works, who knows.

    Highlights: The Day Begins, Dawn: Dawn Is a Feeling, The Morning: Another Morning, The Night: Nights in White Satin/Late Lament.

Rating: 6/6
