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Operation: Doomsday


    DOOM's debut album delivers exactly what I'd want from it. Great lyricism with great flow over good samples and backing. The construction and overall presentation is, although a bit scuffed, really good and gives off a strong and defined atmosphere and character. The album is able to really develop a sense of who DOOM is through it's use of the old Fantastic Four cartoon as samples, mixed and matched to create his origin story. In a way it feels like a prototypical version of Madvillainy, with it's use of old cartoon samples and emphasis on a supervillainous presence/perspective. This comparison is a little unfortunate for the album because, in my opinion, Madvillainy's more professional production gives it an edge over Operation: Doomsday and, again, makes this feel more like an "early version" of sorts (although I may be biased just by having heard Madvillainy first). In a similar vain, DOOM's flow is less refined here and (again, by Madvillainy being my only other point of comparison) just isn't as good purely by this just being an earlier production with less going for it. I really don't mean for all of this to discredit the album or make it seem lesser, it's just my thoughts and opinion based on what I've listened to already. The style is still strongly felt here, and is damn impressive for a first full album. Despite being a bit all over the place at times, I think that the core of the album (being DOOM's performance and composition) are already very well showcased. Ultimately I think that I do like Madvillainy more (through no fault of this album's) but that this is still a good piece of art that is promising for what DOOM could do next. 

    Highlights: Doomsday, Rhymes Like Dimes, Red and Gold, Operation: Greenbacks, Dead Bent, Gas Drawls, ?.

Rating: 5/6
