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Rubber Soul

    Uh oh. Guess who doesn't like another one of the best albums of all time? Rubber Soul just didn't do it for me unfortunately. The main thing that I liked about A Hard Day's Night was the melodies that were catchy and simple, which are almost completely absent from RS. This leans into a problem that I had with Help! that carries over here, being that a lot of the songs feel empty. The instrumentation is too light, with sections containing maybe 2 different parts before going to another section that adds 1 new instrument, exciting! This thinner timbre and lack of really memorable melody just bored me throughout a large chunk of the album. Although the album is lacking in melodies, it sure does try its best, having a lot of the songs repeat their choruses like 5-6 times, which only compounds my disinterest. Thankfully the classic Beatles harmonies that I've liked are still here and still good (for the most part), and there are hints of their future works here that I hope to see expanded on. I think that my experience with Rubber Soul can be succinctly summed up by saying that by the end of the album I had forgotten what most of the tracks were. Unfortunately RS is in the same basket of general nothingness that I found Help! to be in; I'm really hoping that Revolver can pick up the slack. 

    Highlights: Drive My Car, Nowhere Man, Think for Yourself.

Rating: 3/6
