Super Ghostbusters is an excellent psychological exploration of insanity, humor, and copyright violation. The artist utilizes a low quality instrumentation and unorthodox vocal timing and technique, combined with comedic lyrics, to create a real atmosphere that puts you into a maddening headspace that I can only assume the creator was in during the creation of the album. The variety in tempo and occasionally instrumentation between songs helps to differentiate the otherwise pretty samey tracks, although a lot of them do sort of blend together at times but that's mostly due to the midi used in most (if not all) of the songs. The vocalist's tone and accent contribute to the overall humorous nature of the music, crafting outlandish and funny scenarios that enrapture the mind and stimulate the diaphragm. The runtime of the album is almost perfect, sitting at a nice 20 minutes so that it doesn't overstay its welcome (although depending on your sense of humor this may vary). In addition to this, the use of sampled(?) material contributes to the themes of the album, showcased in the song 'Ghoostbuusters' where he begs Ray Parker Jr. (the original artist of the real Ghostbusters theme) to not sue him. Overall the album is a funny.
Highlights: Ghostbusters, Ghost Buster, Ghostbusterz, Ghostbusterss, Ghooooostbuster, Ghostbatista, Gheestobesto, Ghestbest, Ghoostbuusters, Ghostboster, Ghost Bologna.
Rating: 4/6
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