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The Joker

     This is Steve Miller Band's 8th album and I don't really have any interest in listening to anything prior to this (except maybe one album, shh) since this is where the band took off and all of their popular material follows from here. That being said, there's not much else to say. This is truly just good blues rock; nothing more than that, just good. Everything is at least ok or decent so there's nothing much to really dislike here. It mostly sounds good with interesting texture and instrumentation, good enough lyricism, and a surprising amount of versatility within it's limited range of typical southern rock. It's creative enough to bump it over the median for me but it's nothing to really go out of your way to listen to, but will be a good listen nonetheless. 

    Highlights: Shu Ba Da Du Ma Ma Ma Ma, Your Cash Ain't Nothin' But Trash, The Joker, Something To Believe In.

Rating: 4/6.
