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     It's been a while since I've taken a look at Pink Floyd and I don't listen to them too often any more, so why not take a look at another highly regarded work of theirs? Animals is supposedly inspired by Orwell's Animal Farm. I have not read Animal Farm, and I'm not really one for politics (especially 70s British politics) so I'm not gonna talk about any of that past here. Animals comes smack dab between Wish You Were Here and The Wall and boy does it sound like it. It has the somber sort of sound that was prescient in WYWH, while also starting to lean toward the harder sound in The Wall. This halfway point between the two isn't much of anything one way or the other; I like it enough but it doesn't really pop out at me, knowing the other albums and how they sound. One unique thing to point to that I really do like, however, is Animals' use of electronic modification and fuckery. I'm a sucker for some good distortion and synth-alteration (see: anything by Daft Punk) and this album uses that in really fun ways that sound great, especially on some of the vocals and animal noises. As per usual, the band's performance is great all around with the sort of sound that you expect from Pink Floyd. All the elements sound really good and they really shine in the extended riffs and instrumental sections, giving a lot of personality and flair to what would otherwise be unexciting filler at best. I don't think that this is at the top of my list for PF, but it's definitely really solid.

    Highlights: Dogs, Pigs (Three Different Ones), Sheep.

Rating: 5/6
