hello . I think I'm here now . although 'now' isn't a very good descriptor . did I use descriptor right ? I don't now . it has been a long time since I've been in school .
that doesn't matter . you should be able to get this . I've been trying to get this through for a while . I think I have at least . this medium should do well enough . there are still some kinks in getting this to work . hopefully this will still get wherever it needs to go .
you cannot respond . you've never met me . chances are you never will . I don't have any precise control over where I go . I'm able to sway it somewhat but the final decision is not mine . everything is foggy . and pitch black .
keeping on track . you should know who I am . who am I ? do you already know ? my name isn't any good . there's no way it could belong to me . it's belonged to so many others . it wouldn't fit anymore even if I was the only one to have it .
I should stop getting distracted . I am a man who was born a long time ago . at least I should be . I'm trying to get this to a point where I've existed . you know what a walkman is right ?
I don't know what really happened to me . I can't begin to describe how it felt . it seemed so infinitely long yet couldn't have lasted any time at all . my soul shattered into countless pieces . like light being refracted through a prism . I was a rainbow .
they were all me . so I had to have been them . yet there's no way that either statement could be true . so alike and yet polar opposites . they were oxymorons . both between them and to me . how long did they exist ?
they are gone now . but I'm still here somehow . where is here ? here is nowhere . it's normally like if you're driving a car down a long straightaway . you can only go the one way . you can't turn around or even slow down . going forward is the only possible thing to do . it used to terrify me . but now . for me it's akin to crashing . I have to walk now and I'm able to go forward or back however fast or slow . but I can also walk off the road . and swerve across it . but I'm blindfolded so I can only guess where I walk back onto it . I also cannot seem to find anywhere .
none of that's important . just know that I should be now . always just now . I believe myself to be of a less active role . I've seen a lot but haven't done much myself . I won't tell you any of it . it would take far too much time for you . you should see more soon anyway .
you won't hear anything else from me for a while . or at least you shouldn't . it said that it would put some others in the spotlight first . hopefully you'll be able to recognize them when you see them . although you might hear more about me .
I'm ending it here . you don't know much still . when it's my turn again hopefully it'll be better explained . just keep an eye out for my tie . it says that's how it recognizes me . I'll attempt to be more organized next time if I can . until we meet again .
- Prism
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