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Showing posts from March, 2021

Prism's Soliloquy

 hello . I think I'm here now . although 'now' isn't a very good descriptor . did I use descriptor right ? I don't now . it has been a long time since I've been in school .  that doesn't matter . you should be able to get this . I've been trying to get this through for a while . I think I have at least . this medium should do well enough . there are still some kinks in getting this to work . hopefully this will still get wherever it needs to go . you cannot respond . you've never met me . chances are you never will . I don't have any precise control over where I go . I'm able to sway it somewhat but the final decision is not mine . everything is foggy . and pitch black .  keeping on track . you should know who I am . who am I ? do you already know ? my name isn't any good . there's no way it could belong to me . it's belonged to so many others . it wouldn't fit anymore even if I was the only one to have it .  I should stop get...


      How have I not listened through a ZZ Top album yet? No clue, but here we are. You know 'Sharp Dressed Man', right? If not, then what rock have you been living under? I think the best way to describe the general sound of Eliminator is "Sharp Dressed Man, 11 times in a row"; that is to say, the music blends together a little. That's not necessarily a bad thing since ZZ Top's unique noise is pretty good, but it leads to some of the tracks being forgettable when they're up against the more famous songs, like 'Sharp Dressed Man' or 'Legs'. But like I said, that sound that every track has is a good one for sure. ZZ Top utilizes a combination of blues and and an almost country-style rock that you could say is akin to something like Creedence Clearwater Revival. This is especially apparent in their long instrumental breaks and guitar solos, which lend themselves greatly to the general song structure of the album, and just lets the instruments...