More of the standard affair from Steely Dan on The Royal Scam with good jazz fusion. I'll say, I think that this is the smoothest album from the band yet. It's got more aspects of groove/funk in there that give it a good flow and makes it just sorta wash over you at times. It's got some good new sounds that it experiments with but nothing too crazy or too much of a step forward, similar to how I felt about the jump from Countdown to Ecstasy to Pretzel Logic. The composition of the album itself is a little wonky, with most of the better songs lumped onto the first half, leaving the second to drag a little and peter out. The quality is still very much in tact throughout and their style and sound are still up to the quality of their better works, but overall the songs aren't as memorable as the standouts that've come before. I personally still like it a good deal and say that the stuff that's good here is really good, but I do think it's a bit of a dip in...
Man, this album's great! Lively jazz with a good range of sounds and vibes. It's mostly upbeat and often has elements of funk in there too, but has enough variety to keep it from becoming repetitive. Some of the solos especially are just amazing, the guitarwork on a few of the tracks is just transcendental and the saxophone and piano spotlights are great as well (special shoutout to that one organ part on Ducky Ducky, that shit is pure fire!). I don't really have all to much to comment on here; the music is great and I can't really find any fault with it, everything just works really well together. I can tell I'll be revisiting this one a lot. Highlights: Look Your Behind!, Flying Beagle, Fluffy, Sand Storm, Ducky Ducky. Rating: 6/6