Cardium was dying. His body had long since started showing the effects of the negligence being forced on it. He had given up trying to get water from the slight dew that built up on the stone cliff; he resigned it to be as useless for survival as anything else there, wherever ‘there’ was. Nothing he could even consider eating resembled food in the slightest, save for the earthy smell of the cedar trees and their branches reminding him of root spices. He might have liked a walking stick, but none of the limbs on the ever present cedars were low enough to snap off and he could never find any laying on the ground. He didn’t even try to use the dark red grass for anything. So on he went, although he was also letting go of walking as well. His body was always protesting any form of movement, even when still. He knew that his body was running on fumes. It had been simply too long since he had eaten or drank anything, and it was very painfully apparent to him. His pattern of...
Stream of Consciousness: a narrative mode or method that attempts to depict the multitudinous thoughts and feelings which pass through the mind of a narrator. Music Reviews: reviews of music. All opinions shared are purely my own, except when they aren't.