Disclaimer: I know absolutely nothing about Led Zeppelin, apart from the small tidbits I picked up while looking up the lyrics for the album. I'm doing this album because a friend requested it. That being said: this sure is rock and roll, huh. I hate to be a contrarian or buzzkill here, but this just isn't "greatest album of all time" levels (as I saw many people say it was). The music is just ok at best, with one or two exceptions. Most of the songs on here are just the minimum standard for rock. Like, when I think of "generic rock song" this is what comes to mind. It's not inventive or too creative with it's music, and a good amount of the songs follow the same structure complete with nearly identical bridges in some of them. A couple songs might hint towards the album maybe having a more blues-oriented style, namely Rock and Roll and When the Levee Breaks, but every other track shoots down that thought with the aforementioned genericness. A...
Stream of Consciousness: a narrative mode or method that attempts to depict the multitudinous thoughts and feelings which pass through the mind of a narrator. Music Reviews: reviews of music. All opinions shared are purely my own, except when they aren't.