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Showing posts from April, 2021


     The sky was a vibrant blue. There wasn’t a cloud anywhere in sight. It was well lit, as if someone was holding a flashlight up to a piece of tissue paper. You could look up into it and swear you were staring straight at a painting. To go along with the picturesque sky was some of the best weather that Cardium had seen in many years; a constant 67 degree temperature keeping you cool but not chilled, and a slight breeze of warm air coming by at what always seemed the perfect time. Yet it's only witness had no wonder or awe about it.      Cardium wandered along the cliffs, adrift in a thoughtless state. Nothing crossed his mind, nor had anything for what he felt to be quite a while. Not the near-perfect weather which had persisted for days, nor how the sun never seemed to budge even an inch in the sky. Not even the grass below his pacing feet, which was all a deep crimson as though it had been bathed in blood. Cardium might have been intrigued by these t...